In short: Begonazpi Ikastola is a primary and secondary school in the Basque Country which is renowned for its entrepreneurial education programs which aim to develop the abilities of its student body. The model for education adopted by the schoolis based on the “Zero Project” of Harvard University and avoidance of the use of exams.. An example of this methodology is the “Service-learning” for 4th grade students.
Age group: 14-16 years students.
Initial challenges: The main challenge for this school was to implement the “Teaching for understanding” philosophy of Harvard University, especially in relation to developing the students as people, including their intellectual development. Students are encouraged to become supportive and committed citizens, wherethe main emphasis is on students being at the service of their surrounding society, with projects that require the development of entrepreneurial skills (social entrepreneurship).
What they did about it: The school implemented the “Project Based Learning” model where, through social entrepreneurship models, the student body designs solutions to real local institutions and companies‘ challenges, forcing the students to work outside of the school.. All of this is framed within the teaching for understanding methodology of Harvard University alongside coaching, STEAM methodologies, and educative robotics, such as LEGO serious play.
Results: Since the inception of these projects, and adoption of learning and teaching methodologies that encourage entrepreneurship, the environment in the school and the motivation of the students has radically increased, particularly with students who were previosuly disengaged.. The general impact on the students has been very positive.
Relevance for entrepreneurial teaching: This education model is an example of how the change from traditional education to one that encourages and assesses entrepreneurial abilities, through social entrepreneurship in this case, has a very positive impact on student motivation, self-confidence and self-efficiency.
Applied assessment methods and tools: Self and peer assessment, teaching for understanding, and e-evaluation (own and simple tools) models, are incorporated in the whole process, and the skills assessment forms part of the student’s final grades.
Contact information: Merkat Bernaola. E-mail: