Understanding current approaches to assessment of generic skills in Asturias

Valnalon has pioneered the promotion of entrepreneurship in the education system in Asturias (Spain). It plays a brokering role bringing together decision-makers, practitioners, researchers and other social agents such as employers and third sector organisations. It has the remit to design and implement a coherent portfolio of enterprise education projects in primary, secondary and VET[…]

Our second newsletter is out!

We have sent our second newsletter with an update on our work and last meeting. You can also read the story of our adventure in Iceland that involves the EntreAssess team rescuing a fellow teacher who was stranded in a snow drift for hours! Read the newsletter (in English): https://eepurl.com/cIyYVj Sign up to our mailing list: https://eepurl.com/cruSrb

EntreComp: From a reference framework to educational practice in entrepreneurial learning

Europe needs its citizens to be entrepreneurial in all walks of life, to be able to cope with the changes that the XXI century is bringing about. Helping citizens grow their entrepreneurship competence is among the priorities of the European Commission in the area of skills development. The Entrepreneurship Competence framework (EntreComp) is one of the tangible outputs of the effort the Commission is devoting in this area. Developed by the JRC on behalf of DG Employment, Skills, Social affairs and Inclusion, the framework defines, describes and clarifies what the constituting elements of entrepreneurship as a competence are, as DigComp does for digital competence. […]

Our first newsletter!

Our first newsletter went out following our Kick-Off meeting at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David in Swansea, Wales, UK in October 2016! You can catch up and read it here: https://eepurl.com/cpE605! We also have a translation into Spanish, which you can find here: https://eepurl.com/crwd8T. The newsletter introduces the EntreAssess project and tells you what we[…]

What is EntreAssess?

EntreAssess, formally known as Practical Entrepreneurial Assessment Tool for Europe (PEAT-EU), is a Erasmus+ project under key action 2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices and especially the Strategic Partnerships in the field of Education, Training and Youth.

We are six partners in four countries - Iceland, Spain, Sweden and the UK - who develop practical assessment methods for entrepreneurship education (EE). Most of us have already worked on different European projects developing EE together before. […]